畢業於美國加州柏克萊大學(University of California,
Berkeley)工業工程及營運研究系學士及碩士,朱先生現擔任美國加州大學校友會主席、香港科技大學客席講師,經常獲邀擔任國際會議演講嘉賓關於顧客關係管理及客服中心策略管理培訓。 |
Tom Mehrmann is the Chief Executive of Ocean Park
Corporation, Hong Kong’s marine life and animal theme
park, which hosts more than seven million visitors
annually. Founded in 1977, Ocean Park is a
not-for-profit statutory body.
Mr. Mehrmann started his career in the theme park
industry in 1977 at Knott’s Berry Farm in the United
States as a sweeper, cleaning the Park grounds. From
there, he spent the next 21 years progressively working
through various management and leadership roles,
eventually becoming Vice President of Park Operations
and Entertainment in 1996.
In 1998, he joined Six Flags Marine World as Vice
President and General Manager, and later accepted an
appointment as VP and GM of Warner Brothers Movie World
in Madrid, Spain, when the park was taken over by Six
Flags in 2000. He was responsible for the design,
development, construction and operation of the US$380
million Madrid Movie World, which opened in April 2002,
with revenues of US$75 million a year.
Since joining Ocean Park in 2004, he has directed the
activities of the Park to achieve nine record breaking
years of attendance, revenue and surplus, while leading
the effort of defining the HK$5.55 billion Master
Redevelopment Plan (MRP) for the future Ocean Park. The
6 year MRP broke ground in late 2006 and was completed
in July 2012 on time, on budget and with exceptional
quality. The MRP has successfully transformed Hong
Kong’s People’s Park into a leading world-class family
travel destination. The previously launched new themed
areas have also helped Ocean Park attract a record high
of 7.44 million guests for the calendar year ended 31
December 2012.
Highlighting the growth and evolution of Ocean Park
under Mr. Mehrmann’ s direction, the Park became the
first Asia recipient of the prestigious “Applause
Award”, the most significant recognition within the
global attractions industry recognizing a theme park for
its foresight, originality and sound business
development. The industry authorities, Themed
Entertainment Association (TEA) and AECOM, in the 2011
TEA/AECOM Global Attractions Attendance Report, ranked
Ocean Park Hong Kong as the world’s number 11, Asia
Pacific’s number four, and China’s number one, theme
park in terms of annual attendance.
In 2008/2009, Mr Mehrmann was named the “CEO of The
Year” in the Asia Pacific Customer Relationship
Excellence Award. In 2007, Mr. Mehrmann was presented
with the Executive Award of the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong
Business Awards 2007. He was also named Director of the
Year by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors in 2006.
Mr. Mehrmann also devotes efforts to the community and
to promoting tourism development in Hong Kong by serving
in the following positions under the organizations
- Vice
Chair of the Advisory Committee of the School of Hotel &
Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Member
of the Advisory Committee on Hotel & Tourism Management
of the School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong (Aug 1, 2012 to Jul 31, 2014)
- Committee
Member of the Travel/Tourism Committee of the Hong Kong
Coalition of Service Industries, Hong Kong General
Chamber of Commerce
- Member
of the Hong Kong Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong
- Member
of the American Chamber of Commerce
- Advisory
Committee Member of the Tourism Orientation Programme of
the Hong Kong Tourism Board
Specialist for the Hong Kong Council for Academic
- Member
of the International Association of Amusement Parks and
Attractions (IAAPA) Strategic Planning Committee
- Member
of the IAAPA Asian Advisory Committee
- Member
of the HKSAR Public Affairs Forum
A graduate of the California State University,
Fullerton, Mr. Mehrmann holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Psychology. He also completed the Advanced
Courses organized by IAAPA in Theme Park Management at
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. |
Desk Institute行政總裁
Tatsumi Yamashita, a Founder and CEO of HDI-Japan is one
of the most influenced leaders in Japan and Asia support
service arena. He developed Contact Center Benchmarking
in 2006, this has been the biggest benchmarking database
in Asia Pacific. The Benchmarking grade all evaluated
1,000 centers to four rankings: 3 Star, 2 Star, 1 Star
and No Star, therefor it is well-known as the ‘Michelin
Red Guide’ the customer service industry.
Tatsumi Yamashita has 25 years
support industry experience and has developed several
help desks and support centers throughout Japan. In
1999, he became the first Japanese HDI intern and has
since studied advanced support principles in the U.S.
that could be applied toward the advancement of Japanese
support environments. He finally established HDI-Japan
in 2001 based on the strong demand of Japanese support
service industries and he is working as CEO of HDI-Japan
with many HDI members and partners in Japan/Philippines
now. Prior to joining HDI, he was a director of IT
Strategy at Yanase the biggest GM/Mercedes distributer
in Japan, and was the first Helpdesk manager at Pfizer
Japan Inc. Tatsumi graduated from Shinshu University in
Nagano, at the center of Japan.
HDI-Certified Auditor since 2001
HDI-Certified Instructor since 2001
HDI Intl. Standards Committee since 1999
Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination
Center (JITEC) since 1995 |
Mr. Hennie Heymans,
DHL Express
South Africa
演講題目:Straight to
the Top Strategy for Effective Leadership &
Organizational Development
Hennie Heymans is the
Managing Director for South Africa DHL Express.
Heymans, who joined DHL Express thirteen years ago, was
in his previous position responsible for the Central
Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands (CENIO) region. In
his role as MD, this supply chain professional and
international shipping specialist looks after the South
African business division and ensures that the region
lives up to the brand’s global reputation and service
His responsibilities include ensuring excellent customer
service and support levels, for both local and
international clients. Heymans has been instrumental in
driving change and implementing new innovative processes
and strategies for the company. His top priorities for
2015 as Managing Director will be to continue to grow
market share, particularly within the SME industry, and
to ensure that various service-related initiatives are
launched in order to better service this market. He will
also ensure that the South African division maintains
their certification of excellence for the 2015 period.
Prior to his current role, he served as the Managing
Director for Olivetti Lexikon, and as the FM and GM for
Multichoice Africa in South Africa.
Heymans is highly passionate about his employees and
regards employee satisfaction as a key component to
cultivating business commercial success. He is married
with two children. |
Mr. Shalilatharash
AIA Bhd.
AIA Digital Platform Revolution
Shalilatharash Jalil is the
Head of Distribution Technology of AIA Bhd. Shalil was
part of the Senior Leadership Team that oversaw the
integration of AIA’s businesses in Malaysia following
the company’s acquisition of ING Malaysia, the largest
M&A in Malaysia’s insurance sector.
He is responsible to drive AIA’s pioneering innovative
distribution technology - Interactive Point-of-Sales (iPoS).
This industry-changing iPad-based solution enables AIA’s
Life Planners to submit policy applications
electronically, transforming the way AIA does business.
Under his leadership, iPoS has won multiple global
technology awards, including Model Insurer Asia Awards
and Asia Insurance Technology Awards.
Shalil has 15 years of experience across multiple
industries where he has had roles in project management,
application management, IT strategic planning and
operations support. He believes that game-changing
technology solutions can be achieved by striking the
right balance between meeting business needs and
technology innovation, supported by a strong marketing
and communications strategy. |
Rosa Ho is the Customer Services
Controller of HK Electric Co., Ltd. She oversees the
Customer Centre and Call Centre operation for serving
570,000 customers. The operation covers customer
enquiries and requests on customer accounts matters. In
addition to her over 15 years experience in leading the
team in delivering excellent services to customers, she
has substantial experience in implementing various
system and service enhancement projects, including
revamp of customer information system, various Call
Centre related systems, smartphone Apps, SMS enquiry
services and caring services for the minority. Rosa also
works on customer communication and develops diversified
customer engagement programmes to succeed and achieve
service excellence.
Gerard Prendergast is Professor of
Marketing, Head of Department, and Associate Dean in the
School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. He
previously held faculty positions in a variety of
countries, having taught Bachelor, Master and Doctoral
programs in New Zealand, Singapore, the UK, Hong Kong,
Mainland China, Africa and the Middle East. His research
focuses on marketing communications and he has published
in journals such as the Journal of Advertising, Journal
of Advertising Research, Psychology & Marketing,
International Journal of Advertising, Personality and
Individual Differences, Public Relations Review and the
European Journal of Marketing. He is Associate Editor of
the International Journal of Advertising, and is on the
editorial boards of several leading journals. In has
received awards from the Journal of Advertising,
International Journal of Advertising, Marketing
Intelligence and Planning, the American Academy of
Advertising and Emerald Literati. The Journal of
Advertising ranks him 13th in the world in terms of
advertising research productivity. |
Malou Caluza女士
QNet Ltd.首席市場官
Ms. Malou Caluza has been in the Customer
Service industry for more than 20 fruitful
years. At present, she is one of QNET’s key top
management people who focuses and works hard in
effectively combining deep commitment to
charitable pursuits and high-octane
sports sponsorships, winning internal and
external customer engagement, and the marketing
and sales of quality lifestyle products and
services. To also further testify her passion
and commitment to the Customer Service industry,
her latest achievements include:
APCSC CRM Director of the Year Award, Hong
APCSC Global Support Services of the Year,
Hong Kong
APCSC Integrated Support Team of the Year,
Hong Kong
APCSC Best Use of Knowledge Management, Hong
Contact Center World Best Contact Center
(In-House) , Asia Pacific Category,
Contact Center World Best Contact Center
Executive in the Asia Pacific category,
Contact Center World Best Contact Center
(In-House) , World Category, Las Vegas
Nevada USA
Contact Center World Best Executive in the
World category, Las Vegas Nevada USA.
Malou’s signature has always been one of her
favorite priceless possessions. She believes
that it is a reflection of her hard work,
personality and convictions. Her personal
signature always follows the inspiring closing,
“In service”. This explains her winning success
formula. |
Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) and
increasingly the Internet of Things (IoT) have become
driving forces behind rapid evolution of digital
businesses. Dr. Lawrence Wong will highlight the latest
research findings published by Accenture on five
emerging technology trends and explain how they affect
our business world.
成功轉型為諮詢及系統集成公司, 雄霸在中國電信市場的ERP實施項目,在合同總額達5億的多個全國性ERP項目,
任實施方案總設計師和交流組組長, 是各ERP專案中的靈魂人物。王博士是一位能夠應用新興技術及管理理論幫助企業管理者的專家,
通過梳理業務流程、加強內部管控、提高運營效能來優化整體業務運營。王博士經常在國內就業務流程重整及IT應用演講,對如何利用先進資訊科技和現代化管理方法以改善營運效率,有廣泛的實戰經驗。他能結合電信行業、資訊科技及IP的專業知識,給客戶提供綜合IT&T服務以強化運營效率及拓展嶄新商機,協助不同行業之企業及機構進行資訊化轉型。 |
2014.8-至今,海爾集團海外服務總監 |
Michael Fong is based in Hong Kong
and responsible for driving the Customer Experience
efforts in the region and the Customer Services function
in Hong Kong. Michael joined Fidelity in November 2007
and held various roles within the business and
Prior to joining Fidelity he served as the Head of
Retail for E*Trade Financial in Asia, where he was
responsible for building and expanding the retail
business. In addition, Michael has also worked at CITIC
Ka Wah Bank in Hong Kong and the TD Bank Financial Group
in Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. He has over 18 years
of experience in the financial industry where he has
gained extensive experiences across various functions
including operations, business analysis and client
Michael holds a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial and
Management Science from the University of Manitoba,
Canada and an Executive MBA degree from the Richard Ivey
School of Business, Western University, Canada. |
演講題目:香港航空服務創新及最佳實踐 |
S e |
Mimi Fu has a diverse working background with years of
working experiences in Hong Kong, Greater China, and
South East Asia regions in the areas of Learning and
Development and Sales and Marketing of the hospitality
industry. Mimi has worked extensively with different
industries, gaining concrete working experiences
professionally from many different organizations or
Mimi currently is the Director of Learning and
Development for Hong Kong Ocean Park Corporation. Some
of her major responsibilities inclusive but not
exhaustive of the development of leadership programs for
executive and management teams, coordination of
executive coaching for executive team, succession
planning / talent management initiatives, individual
development planning, staff incentive and recognition
programs, performance appraisal and objectives settings,
and many other organizational development initiatives of
Ocean Park. She also looks after the internal
communication. Mimi works extensively with external HR
consultants on various consultancy works such as the
development competency model, communication study, and
formulation of partnering charter, performance
management system, and engagement survey and so on. Mimi
works closely with Line departments to truly capture the
business issues, over tailor-made training courses and
work supporting programs or resolutions ensuring the
sustainability and growths of the business. |
網上分析及數碼推廣 |
Mr. Chan began his
career in the Healthcare industry in 2002. He has
accumulated significant Sales and Client Service
experience in a senior post in a publicly listed
healthcare company until he started his own business
providing consultancy services to medical groups in
2007. The company’s management services cover Hong Kong,
Macau and PRC. In addition, Mr. Chan’s management
services reach APAC regional through AA International –
a regional assistance service provider with global
network support.
Mr. Chan currently is responsible for the operations of
The Specialist Consortium Limited. The company works
with a group of elite specialists focusing on high-end
healthcare service in Hong Kong and China.