APCSC Customer Relationship Excellence & Customer Service Quality Standard Leadership Summit 2012

APCSC Summit 2008
  亞太傑出顧客關係服務獎(CRE Awards)

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演講題目: 發掘傑出顧客關係創新整合.今日滿足超越顧客未來需求





畢業於美國加州柏克萊大學(University of California, Berkeley)工業工程及營運研究系學士及碩士,朱先生現擔任美國加州大學校友會主席、香港科技大學客席講師,經常獲邀擔任國際會議演講嘉賓關於顧客關係管理及客服中心策略管理培訓。



香港天雲融創科技有限公司  董事

雲谷網絡(香港)有限公司  董事

驣思創智有限公司  執行董事

香港互聯網協會  創會主席

公共專業聯盟  主席

香港資訊科技商會  榮譽會長

演講題目: 顧客關係管理新紀元:社交媒體及流動平台

莫先生香港天雲融創科技有限公司董事、雲谷網絡(香港)有限公司董事及驣思創智有限公司行董事。莫先生曾任 HKNet 之副董事總經理及創辦人,成功展成區內極領導地位的互聯網商及新一代電訊公司; HKNet 1999年被日本 NTT Communications

莫乃光先生是公共專業聯盟主席,該香港首個關注公眾議題的跨界別專業。他也是香港互聯網協會創會主席、香港資訊科技商會榮譽會長、香港電腦學會醫療信息科技分組主席、香港總商會數碼、資訊及電訊委員會副主席曾任無國界工程師 (香港) 理事會委員、香港互聯網供應商協會主席和創辦人。


互聯網域名管理方面,莫先生曾任香港域名註冊有限公司香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司之董事,該公司負責執行香港地區頂級域名的註冊及管理工作。他亦曾任 dotMobi 政策顧問委員會成員,該公司負責執行通用頂級域名 .mobi 的註冊及管理工作。

國際及域互聯網管理方面,莫先生是互聯網名字與編號分配機構 (ICANN) 亞太聯網戶組織屬亞太區互聯網用戶組織 (APRALO) 主席。他亦曾在20072009年代表互聯網協會網絡管治論壇擔任大使

莫先生畢業於美國普度大學,擁有電腦及電機工程學士和電機工程碩士學位,並曾在美國任職於昇陽軟體公司及迪吉多電腦公司,回港後於1999年獲選為香港十大傑出數碼青年。他多年來以專欄發表有關科技、管理及公共政策的文章,包括《信報財經新聞》、蘋果日報、太陽報、茶杯雜誌及HiTech Magazine。他亦自2004年開始編寫博客,在2008年初他出版了他的第一本著作,名為《香港2.0》。


本Help Desk Institution行政總裁

演講題目: 未來在線或離線服務的演變及日本基準研究報告的啟示

Tatsumi Yamashita, a Founder and CEO of HDI-Japan is one of the most influenced leaders in Japan and Asia support service arena. He developed Contact Center Benchmarking in 2006, this has been the biggest benchmarking database in Asia Pacific. The Benchmarking grade all evaluated 1,000 centers to four rankings: 3 Star, 2 Star, 1 Star and No Star, therefor it is well-known as the ‘Michelin Red Guide’ the customer service industry.

Tatsumi Yamashita has 25 years support industry experience and has developed several help desks and support centers throughout Japan. In 1999, he became the first Japanese HDI intern and has since studied advanced support principles in the U.S. that could be applied toward the advancement of Japanese support environments. He finally established HDI-Japan in 2001 based on the strong demand of Japanese support service industries and he is working as CEO of HDI-Japan with many HDI members and partners in Japan/Philippines now. Prior to joining HDI, he was a director of IT Strategy at Yanase the biggest GM/Mercedes distributer in Japan, and was the first Helpdesk manager at Pfizer Japan Inc. Tatsumi graduated from Shinshu University in Nagano, at the center of Japan.

HDI-Certified Auditor since 2001
HDI-Certified Instructor since 2001
HDI Intl. Standards Committee since 1999
Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination Center (JITEC) since 1995

麥鄧碧儀女士, MH, JP


演講題目: 創新及完善的知識管理為您提高生產力




麥女士於1995年獲選為香港十大傑出青年,1999年被授予香港電腦學會院士;2002年獲香港特區政府委任為「太平紳士」; 2007年榮獲香港特區政府頒發「榮譽勳章」;2008年獲職業訓練局頒發榮譽院士。


呼叫中心及服務外包研究院 院長

AT&T College of Call Center Excellence

演講題目: 呼叫中心及BPO業務的人才策略

長期從事呼叫中心、客戶關係管理及高科技企業的高層管理工作,曾負責專業呼叫中心外包公司在中國的設立、組建和運營,具有豐富的客戶服務運營管理經驗,豐富的中外管理和專業諮詢經驗, 活躍於亞太市場,業界知名專家。




演講題目: 雅虎﹗創意體驗:聆聽顧客及商家的需要

劉展權先生現為雅虎香港的電子商貿總監,負責管理廣受香港網民歡迎的「Yahoo! 拍賣」及「Yahoo! 團購」服務。此兩項服務於本地的用戶覆蓋率現均為全港第一。

在劉展權先生的策略性領導下,雅虎香港持續積極推動本地電子商貿及相關社群的增長及整體發展。「Yahoo! 拍賣」於過去十二年一直穩守本地市場領導位置;建基於此電子商貿平台的佳績上,雅虎香港於2011年推出「Yahoo! 團購」,改變了香港團購市場的運作。「Yahoo! 團購」服務是全港首個網羅來自市場上多家團購網站所提供的最好優惠、並提供專設網上付款平台的一站式團購服務。「Yahoo! 團購」自推出後交易量即以倍數增長,並於推出首月已成為全港用戶覆蓋率最高之團購網站;與之合作的團購網站夥伴於8月已增至五家。此外,「Yahoo! 拍賣」自1999年推出以來亦一直不斷於商店數目、交易量及用戶覆蓋率方面屢創新高。

劉展權先生於加入雅虎香港前,曾分別於國泰航空及電訊盈科服務過十二年及兩年,並持有加拿大Simon Fraser University的工商管理及電腦工程的雙學士學位。




演講題目: 群眾參與是我們的成功之道





Ms. Malou Caluza

QNet Limited客戶服務總監

演講題目: 文化統一及提供 觸手可及的世界級顧客服務

Ms. Malou Caluza has been in the Customer Service industry for more than 20 years.

Holding a degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Marketing, she joined QNet as a Junior Customer Services Officer in 1999 and immediately moved ranks within her first three months in the Company.

In a short span of time, she has single-handedly established the international Customer Response Team (CRT) and was promoted to Operations Head in 2005.

She was promoted as Head of Business Development in 2006.

Her strong and excellent leadership, extensive knowledge of the business, and solid concern for the network has brought her to the position of Chief Network Services in 2008.

As CNS, she established three departments  the International Network Support Group, Data and Process Control Department, and 24/7 Multi-Lingual International Support Centre in Malaysia which was opened during her first year as CNS.

Mr. Olivier Njamfa


演講題目: 四通八達的知識平台 - 成功多媒體服務的聖盃

Mr. Olivier Njamfa, President and CEO of Eptica, co-founded the company in 2001. Previously, he was Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of Com6, a leading European e-CRM software company. From 1999 through to 2001, Mr. Njamfa managed the International Indirect Operations of Showcase, a leading software provider of Business Intelligence and Datamining solutions. From 1995 through to 1999, Mr. Njamfa was first Director of the Finance and Banking Department of Comshare (provider of Business Intelligence and Analytical Application) and then moved on to becoming the Managing Director of their French subsidiary. Between 1987 and 1995, Mr. Njamfa served as Sales Manager and then as Regional Director of Saari, the French leader in accounting software. Olivier Njamfa is a graduate of ESC Rouen, and holds an MBA from the ESCP in Paris, France.



演講題目: 讓您的企業想顧客所想

Roger Yu is a Partner in Accenture's Management Consulting practice in Greater China. With 15 years of experience in business consulting and strategic IT advisory, Roger has been focused on projects related to regional operating model, customer acquisition & retention, merger & acquisition, performance management, core system replacement, etc..  He has assisted many leading companies, especially financial services institutions, in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China to plan & manage business transformation programmes to become high performance businesses.




徐子穎女士現任招商銀行遠程銀行中心總經理,歷任招商銀行上海分行辦公室主任、支行行長,2005年調總行電話銀行中心任職,期間,不斷研究並應用呼叫中心的流程管理理論,善於經營與開拓,在人力資源改革中,全力推行“數字化績效管理體系”,建立KPI考核模型與專業化崗位序列制度;全面引入6sigma管理理念與方法,改進並細化業務管理流程和處理流程,研發並推出了“一話通”品牌下“快易理財”、“電話支付”“95555互動銀行”等系列電話銀行產品;實行差異化服務,推出貴賓服務專線及英文人工服務;95555服務質量得到持續、有效地提升。 2010年在中國金融行業首推遠程銀行,採用國際化的管理方法和手段,大膽創新、勇於實踐,建立起全新的遠程銀行運行與管理體系,拓展銀行服務的領域,開創了銀行服務的新時代。





Presentation Outline:

1. 移動展業新工具“神行太保”

2. 創新服務介面“保全GPS”

3. 強化誠信建設“把理賠放進金魚缸”

4. 構建面向客戶的卓越營運體系

2000-2004  太平洋人壽保險總公司資訊技術部副總經理

2005-2010  太平洋人壽保險總公司資訊技術部總經理 

2011年至今 太平洋人壽保險總公司營運總監(業務流程)


RHB Investment Bank Berhad數字營銷副總裁


Eric drives RHB Investment Bank’s brokerage businesses with highly targeted digital marketing, social media and eCommunities strategies, enabling real-time tracking of 1st-hand markets' conversations regionally, with value-added, customer-focused engagements to increase RHB Investment Bank's proposition—complete with far-reaching capabilities to pin-point sales opportunities for bank’s front liners nationwide and regionally. Eric is also the creator of Malaysia's largest investment community on Yahoo! (RHBInvest-Yahoo! Group) and pro-actively reaches out via rhbinvest tweets, www.twitter.com/rhbinvest Malaysia's most active investment twitter by a local brokerage, while continuously developing new innovative ways to effectively engage using multi-screen strategies.

Mr. Daniel Yen

Digital Marketing ROI Pte Ltd行政總裁及創辦人


Presentation Outline:

1. “Beyond having a great product, providing excellent Customer Service needs to extend to your online presence”
2. How can you extend the Customer Experience Continuum Online? First impressions count Every Touch point matters In Person, phone or Web based
3. Turn a basic website into a Relationship Development & Customer Service enabled Digital Showroom


Daniel Yen is CEO & founder of Digital Marketing ROI. Daniel leads the Digital Intelligence Consulting Practice and & is Chief Technology Architect for the company's Business Development Virtualization solutions.

Daniel has provided thought leadership & consulted for Directors, C.M.O and Stakeholders of Fortune 500 companies on Digital Strategy, Cloud Computing & Analytics. He is a current regular presenter & thought leader for Intel's Embedded Intelligence initiative in APAC.

Daniel has previously presented for Cisco on Virtualization benefits of Cloud. To date, Daniel has consulted for over 50 global companies like Alibaba, Google, Yahoo, SCB, eBay, Savills, Avis just to name a few.

Daniel started Digital Marketing ROI to fully Digitize the Sales & Marketing processes of businesses into a fully automated digital environment. His focus is making doing business on the Web come as close as possible to a real life, in-person shopping experience. He refers to that as going "Beyond Web 2.0+". Today, his goal is to seamlessly integrate Digital Marketing & Online Customer Service as a support & supplement to real-time in-person Customer Service Assistance.

Daniel has a voracious appetite for knowledge and his kept up his drive learning new things since the age of 10 with wide ranging interest from Quantum Physics, Neuro Linguistics, Cosmology, Business Development & most recently Green Environmental Hi-Technologies. To check his blog, Google his name.

Mr. Koert Breebaart

Senior Principal Value Engineering, SAP Asia Pte Ltd


Presentation Outline:

1. Introduction
2. The 5 Stepping Stones to Customer Centricity
3. Use Case: SingTel


Koert Breebaart is a Customer Experience professional and expert in developing and driving the execution of Customer Experience Strategies covering B2C and B2B customer segments. He is the author of a business books on Customer Centricity. Koert joined SAP Asia at the beginning of 2012 in the role of Senior Principal Value Engineering.

Previously Koert was leading a Customer Centricity transformation with SingTel as Director Customer Experience. SingTel is one of Asia’s leading communications groups. Koert was responsible for developing and driving the execution of SingTel’s overall Customer Experience Strategy, covering consumer and corporate customer segments in Singapore. He was heading a team of Customer Experience professionals that are looking after Customer Experience measurements, plans to improve the Customer Experience, the governance and change management aspects.

Before joining SingTel, Koert worked 11 years with Accenture as a Management Consultant. He advised leading organizations, in general the top 500 multinationals, across Europe and Asia to define innovative strategies and realizing business transformation in the areas of marketing, sales and customer service. He is recognized for his thought leadership in the areas of customer experience, sales excellence, project management and global operating models.

Koert has a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering. He is a resident of Singapore and is married to Julie and has a son Faas.


董事總經理, 亞洲萬理通有限公司,國泰航空有限公司



As Director & General Manager Asia Miles Ltd of Cathay Pacific Airways, Stephen Wong is charged with managing the 4.2 million-strong award-winning Asia Miles travel reward programme.

Stephen remit includes driving the loyalty strategy of worldwide members, managing partnership and business development as well as determining Asia Miles database marketing strategy using data-mining and data-warehousing tools to enhance membership and revenue development.

Prior to his current position, Stephen held a number of management assignments with Cathay Pacific Airways in more than five regions including the US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Vietnam. His most recent position at the airline was Vice President Sales Americas.

A Sloan Fellow of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, with a Master of Science in Management and a Certificate in Public Management and Social Innovation, Stephen also completed the INSEAD Finance and General Management executive training programmes in both France and Singapore. Stephen holds a bachelor degree from Michigan State University.

Stephen is a frequent guest speaker at trade and academic seminars, including presentations at various conferences in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.

He is a keen football fan and is a certified football coach under the Asian Football Confederation. He enjoys sharing his love of football with young people.



 Principal IP Advisor, STARS Foundation

演講題目:客戶服務是創新最寶貴的資源 - 矽谷的成功故事

Mr. Kwok has been working in the semiconductor industry since 1979, with extensive trend-setting and start-up experiences (at IDT, Quality Semiconductor, PMC-Flash and NetLogic Microsystems), covering business developments, cutting-edge technology developments and applications, IP portfolio developments and licensing, manufacturing operations, as well as product developments and product engineering.  As a trailblazer, Mr. Kwok has been leading the major paradigm shifts in semiconductor business: from NMOS to CMOS, IDM to fabless design house and outsourcing, IP creation and sourcing, as well as standardization efforts and market developments for emerging applications.

 Mr. Kwok returned to Hong Kong/PRD in 2002 and has been promoting application/service platform developments as well as IP and innovation management in China.  Mr. Kwok was the co-editor of the first comprehensive International IP Management Training Manual (over 600 pages) in Chinese published in China, designated for the “Certified IP Manager” training class co-organized by CEC/CIIPS with a goal to create a certified professional IP practitioner community  in China for proper IP management and IPR protection.

 He has a BSES and a MSEE from the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin).

Mr. Charlie Pownall, Communications Consultant

Key Sharing Areas:

1. Social media
2. Crisis communications
3. Customer service


Drawing on over fifteen years of Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Social Media, Online Marketing and Journalism, Charlie is an experienced communications consultant, having advised a wide range of organizations across many industries, including Bayer, BP, Boots, CIMB Bank, Diageo, EADS, Hong Kong government, Huawei, LG Electronics, London Business School, London South Bank Centre, Monsanto, Novartis, Qualcomm, Singapore government, The Peninsula Hotels, The V&A Museum.

Charlie has been Managing Director, Digital (Asia-Pacific) at Burson-Marsteller, Group Communications Manager at WPP, Group Head of Communications at European digital agency Syzygy AG, a reporter at Reuters London News Radio and a speechwriter and press officer at the European Commission.

A graduate in Art History and with diplomas in International Relations from the London School of Economics and in Journalism from City University, London, Charlie writes and speaks frequently on reputation management, social media and social business.

He is author of Managing Corporate Reputation in the Digital Age, Death or Glory? The Corporate Response to Social Change and iRelations: Effective Online Investor Relations.

Dr. Thomas Tong, Founder

Dr.Thomas Tong Professional Services Limited


Dr. Thomas Tong is the founder and CEO of Dr. Thomas Tong Professional Services Limited (TTPS). He is also the Vice Principal (Academic Department) of Hong Kong Academy of Financial Research and currently the course leader in School of Continuous Professional Education (SCOPE, CityU).

He developed the CICMF model (the unique manpower forecasting model) for the Construction Industry Council (HKCIC) in 2011 which helps to establish the construction labor training policy in Hong Kong. He has highly involved in academic research for over 10 years and he has published over 25 international refereed academic journal papers.  He has also published two books:

(1)    Decision Making and Operations Research Techniques for Construction Management, and

(2)    Best Trading Days of Selected US stocks

Dr. Tong is now coordinating the academic works of a top-up degree course in SCOPE, CityU. He is also responsible for the corporate training activities in Hong Kong Academy of Financial Research for large organizations in mainland China.

TTPS is focusing on consultancy works to help organizations to applied artificial intelligence to the business activities.

Mr. David Jacques, Founder & Principal Consultant

Customer input Limited

Key Sharing Areas:

1. Holistic Customer Experience Management
2. Cross-channel interactions
3. Voice of the Customer
4. Cross-departmental collaboration


David Jacques is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Customer input Ltd, providing customer experience management consulting, training and workshops.

Pioneer in customer experience management, Mr. Jacques has over 17 years of professional experience in research, design and strategy and has worked with many blue-chip firms worldwide in multiple industries from finance and travel to consumer products on understanding the totality of their customer experience. Based on detailed analysis of consumer attitudes, behavior and motivators a multiple channels he has provided strategies and solutions to help companies worldwide deliver differentiated and seamless customer experiences.

From his year experience across multiple industries he has created the first comprehensive Framework which takes a holistic approach to organization-wide, cross-departmental Customer Experience Management. The foundation of his workshops, it includes all aspects of customer experience management including customer experience lifecycle audit and mapping, organizational alignment, cross-departmental voice of the customer program and enterprise feedback management and experience KPIs and experience design.

Originally from Montreal, Canada, he has lived and worked in New York and in Hong Kong where he has been based since 1999.He publishes thought-provoking and forward thinking articles on customer experience regularly through the Customer input Journal.

Mr. Francesco Furnari, CEO

Clarity International

Francesco is Director and Co-founder of Clarity International, an Innovation, Marketing and Product consulting firm, headquartered in Milan with offices in the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, USA, and Hong Kong.

Francesco has more than twelve years of international experience in marketing communications, business development and product/service customer experience improvement. Francesco is also co-author of the textbook "Exploring Internal Communication" published by Pearson.

Before Clarity International, Francesco was part of the senior management team at Venation, a spin-off of British Telecom and Microsoft offering content delivery solutions for the finance, government and retail industries.

Francesco was previously in a number of brand, marketing and communications roles with the networking giant British Telecom where his activities included creative design management, branding and PR. Earlier in his career Francesco worked as consultant with Cisco Systems, RAI and Hewlett-Packard.

Francesco has won numerous honours and awards including the Third Sector Excellence Awards, Charity Times Awards, IEC Converged World Award, three BT Innovation Awards, two Exceptional Marketing Achievement Awards, Red Herring Top 50 Innovative Company, the Guardian 100 Index business leader & Company to watch.

Francesco is a leading member at the Cambridge Sustainability Network (CSN) and a member of the Humanitarian International Staff at CESVI.

Mr. Sebastien Balestas, Director, International Business Development

Avazu DSP

Sebastien develops not only the business development by looking for people working in the online marketing industry but also solution our internal service Audience Targeting, Personalized Retargeting and Real Time Bidding. Sebastien owns partnership with the top 50 000 Alexa rank e-commerce websites in Europe. He also works with Affiliates platforms such as Tradedoubler, Affilinet, Netaffiliation, Effiliation, Webgains, Argona and many more over France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K and the main digital agencies in Europe including their Trading Desks. Avazu DSP has a strong inventory in Europe, U.S and Australia with a 90 % worldwide coverage over direct publishers, Ad Exchanges (Google Doubleclick, Yahoo Right Media, Appnexus and many more), Ad Networks, SSP's and direct publishers.

Mr Balestas has over 5 years experience in online marketing and is now managing a team of people from different countries such as France, China, Germany, Spain, Italy...Sebastien leads the business development team and the account management team to negotiate with the top e-commerce merchants in Europe and optimize their online marketing campaigns. He offers to his clients the best service including managing the budget and the ROI of their campaigns through Right Media, Google GDN / ADX, Appnexus. He collaborates with the top affiliate programs and agencies in Europe, US and China and provides financial report & ROI for the AVAZU DSP department.

Sebastien graduates from SKEMA Business School with a Master of Science degree and majored in Entrepreneurship & Business Development. In 2007, he started his career in New York and finally came to China in the year of 2009 as an international experienced talent.

Mr. Derek Tan, Research Director

Ipsos Hong Kong

Derek began his research career in early Year 2000 and is a very hands-on researcher responsible for design and implementation of both local and international quantitative research programs for some of the most successful global brands. 
Derek has developed his expertise in brand and communication practices, advertising campaign evaluation and customer experience. He is also actively engaged in the area of social media research.
Derek holds a First Class Honours degree in BA Marketing from University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Henley Business School, United Kingdom.
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