Speakers of
Summit |
Mr. Jason Chu,
Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium
Topic: Strategic Customer
Relationship Excellence in Changing Business World
Mr. Jason Chu is the
Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Customer Service
Consortium (HKCSC) and Asia Pacific Customer Service
Consortium (APCSC). Mr. Chu collaborates with industry
experts and major university researchers to consult and
research on key aspects of Customer Satisfaction and
Loyalty. Jointly with researchers in the University of
Hong Kong and the members of APCSC, Mr. Chu has led the
consortium effort in developing the Customer Service
Quality Standard (CSQS) in setting international
standards and world class framework for customer service
organizations. He is the pioneer of innovative customer
service research including eSurvey on Internet Banking,
Securities and Travel Services, CRM and Contact Center
Benchmarking in Asia Pacific, Customer Satisfaction and
Aspiration Survey and other international standards in
Asia, Australia and the United States.
Mr. Chu is the Industry
Visionary to build a Global Certification with
international bodies in the USA, Australia, China and
other countries for the Customer Service and Support
Industry to develop professionalism and career
development for the contact center and customer service
industry, including the Certified CRM Director,
Certified Contact Center Manager, and Certified Customer
Service Analyst & and Auditor training curriculum and
recently the Certificate in Customer Service Management
approved under the Continuous Education Fund (CEF) under
Hong Kong SAR Government.
Mr. Chu received his BS
and MS degrees in Industrial Engineering and Operations
Research from the University of California, Berkeley. He
is the President of the University of California Alumni
Association in Hong Kong and a guest Lecturer at the
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and other
universities. He is a speaker of high demand at
conferences and workshops to senior executives on
developing customer focused organizations and building
CRM and customer loyalty.
Mr. Brett Whitford,
Customer Service Institute of Australia
Topic: Building
Lifetime Customers in a Demanding and Challenging
Competitive Environment
Brett Whitford is a
founder and Executive Director of CSIA. He is the author
of five best selling business books on technology, best
practice and customer service. His business experience
is extensive, including joint ventures with
International Prentice Hall. Brett is currently
completing his new book on customer service, showcasing
Australia 10 years of Australian Service Excellence
Award winning organisations.
Brett founded
Beaumont Publishing House at 22 and listed his
consulting, certification and publishing company on the
Australian Stock Exchange in December 2000. His
experience and expertise makes him a highly sought after
speaker and he often lectures for universities,
international conferences, radio and television
Brett, along with
selected CSIA members, recently wrote Australia’s first
Strategic Customer Service Management MBA unit for
Deakin University.
Brett is considered
Australia’s leading customer service consultant. He has
worked with some of Australia’s, and the world’s, top
companies and government departments such as IBM, NSW
Police Force, Nokia, Johnson & Johnson, Defence Housing
Authority, Medicare Australia, Aurora Energy, Optus,
Telstra, Manitoba Telecommunications Services, Energex,
Queensland Rail, Brisbane City Council, Maningham City
Council, Warrnambool City Council, NAB, Westpac, ANZ,
AAMI, Yarra Valley Water, Ergon Energy, Fone Zone,
Colorado Ltd., and numerous other organisations. |
Mr. Tom Mehrmann,
Chief Executive,
Ocean Park Hong Kong
Best Practices in CSR and Environmental Protection
Mehrmann is the Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Park
Corporation, Hong Kong’s sea-life and animal theme park
hosting over 4 million visitors annually.
Mr Mehrmann
started his career in the theme park industry at Knott’s
Berry Farm in the United States as a park service
attendant in 1977. From there, he spent the next 21
years working through the ranks eventually becoming Vice
President of Park Operations and Entertainment.
In 1998, he
joined Six Flags Marine World as Vice President and
General Manager, and later accepted an appointment as VP
and GM of Warner Brothers Movie World in Madrid when the
park was taken over by Six Flags in 2000. He had the
responsibility for the design, development and
construction of the US$380 million Madrid Movie World,
which opened in April 2002 with revenues of US$71
million a year.
joining Ocean Park in 2004, he has directed the
activities of the park to achieve 4 successive years of
the highest attendance, revenue and surpluses in the
company history, while leading the effort of defining
the Concept Master Plan for the future of Ocean Park.
The Concept Master Plan received government approval to
proceed in December 2005 and syndicated loan financing
of HK$5.5 billion was secured in 2006. Ground breaking
began in 2006 and the project is estimated to be
complete in 2012. Highlighting the growth and evolution
of Ocean Park under Mr. Mehrmann’s direction, Forbes.com
in 2006 named the park as one of the 10 most popular
theme parks in the world based on annual attendance of
over 5.0 million guests.
Mehrmann is serving under the following organizations:
Advisory Committee Member of the School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
Advisory Committee Member of the
Hotel & Tourism Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong -
Committee Member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong
Coalition of Service Industries, Travel/Tourism Committee -
Member of the Hong Kong Employer Federation of Hong Kong -
Member of the American Chamber of Commerce -
Member of the Tourism Orientation Programme Advisory Committee, Hong Kong
Tourism Board -
Sector/Subject Specialist for the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation
A graduate
of California State University, Fullerton, Tom Mehrmann
holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology. He
also completed the Advanced Courses (IAAPA*) in Theme
Park Management at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Dr. Kuo-Yen Wei,
Development and Evaluation Commission of Taipei City
Government, Taipei
Topic: Transforming
the Government Public Services with Innovation: Case
Study in Taipei
1. Opening: a
2. Milestones and difficulties overcome
3. Features and standards
4. Achievements
5. Search for excellence
Charles Mok,
Executive Director,
Computancy Limited
Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong
Vice Chairman, The Professional Commons
Honorary President,
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation
Topic: Social
Media CRM and Digital Marketing in the New Era
Mr Mok is the
executive director of Computancy Limited, a leading new
media and Internet consulting company. Previously, Mr
Mok was the Deputy Managing Director and a co-founder of
HKNet Company Limited, one of Hong Kong’s earliest
Internet service providers, that was acquired by NTT
Communications of Japan in 1999.
Charles Mok is the Vice Chairman of The Professional
Commons, the first cross-sector professional think tank
focusing on issues of public interest in Hong Kong. He
is also the Chairman of Internet Society, Hong Kong (ISOC-HK),
Honorary President of the Hong Kong Information
Technology Federation (HKITF), chairman of the Health
Information Technology Special Interest Division of the
Hong Kong Computer Society, and a committee member of
Engineers Without Borders (EWB). He was also a past
chairman and a co-founder of the Hong Kong Internet
Service Providers Association (HKISPA).
Mok is a member of several key Hong Kong government
statutory bodies or advisory committees, including the
Hospital Authority, Consultation Panel of the West
Kowloon Cultural District Authority, and CreateSmart
Initiative Vetting Committee. Previously, Mr Mok was a
part-time member of the Central Policy Unit, and a
member of the Consumer Council, Digital 21 Strategy
Advisory Committee, Transport Advisory Committee,
Committee on Economic Development and Economic
Cooperation with the Mainland of the Commission on
Strategic Development, and Trade and Industry Advisory
Board. Mr Mok was elected as a member of the First
(1998), Second (2000) and Third (2005) Election
Committees in the IT Subsector.
Mr. Mok graduated from Purdue University in the United
States with Bachelor of Science in Computer and
Electrical Engineering and Master of Science in
Electrical Engineering, and worked in the United States
with SunSoft Inc. and Digital Equipment Corporation. In
1999, he was awarded as one of Hong Kong’s "Ten
Outstanding Young Digi Persons”. He also writes
extensively on technology, management and public policy,
appearing regularly in the Hong Kong Economic Journal
and Apple Daily. He is also an active blogger since
2004. In 2008 he published his first Chinese book,
entitled “Hong Kong 2.0.” |
Basker Rangachari, Chief Marketing Officer, Consumer
Standard Chartered
Bank, Hong Kong
Topic: Building a
Sustainable Loyalty Program to Improve Business
- Is Loyalty Management a nice-to-have or must-have
- Have customers become too transactional to bother
with loyalty
- Using a personalized multichannel experience to
maximise profits and retention
- Which Loyalty Initiatives Should You Choose To
Engage Your Customers
- Establish Best Practices To Measure The Success Of
Your Customer Loyalty Initiatives
Basker Rangachari is the
Chief Marketing Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Hong
Kong since March 2010. In this role, Basker leads
various functions which impact the customer including
Marketing, Service Quality, Voice of Customer, CrossSell
Strategies, Product Bundling and Process Re-engineering.
Basker joined SCB in
2005 as General Manager for Unsecured Lending Singapore.
In 2006, he was appointed as Group Head, Strategic
Alliances & Bancassurance and subsequently added
Customer Loyalty and Amex Integration to his portfolio.
He is widely credited for conceptualizing, developing
and rolling out a Total Relationship Rewards platform
across key markets in SCB. This program gives the bank a
unique market leadership position and reinforces its
commitment to customer centricity.
Basker has an
industry reputation for being a focused business driver,
strong marketer, creative strategist and an inspiring
leader. During his career of over 22 years, Basker has
undertaken senior roles across several industries
(audit, retail, manufacturing, property development,
private equity and financial services) and across
various disciplines (general management, business
development, sales, marketing, strategic alliances,
reengineering, credit control, finance and consulting).
He has extensive exposure to Asia-Pacific cultures
having lived in India, Dubai, Singapore, Australia,
Thailand and Hong Kong.
to view Basker’s profile and recommendations. |
Beau Crawford,
CRM Lead
Accenture Hong
Social CRM:
Reacting to evolving customer footprint
Presentation Outline:
Social CRM and Social Media Growth
2. Usage of Social Media is increasing consumers’ sphere
of influence
3. Research identified that social media brings out
4. Social CRM Vision
5. What questions you must answer?
Beau Crawford is an
executive in Accenture’s CRM Global Service Line and
serves as the management consulting CRM lead for Hong
Kong. Beau specializes in working with our clients to
deliver high performance CRM solutions spanning aspects
of marketing, sales, and service transformation.
With a decade of
experience in business and IT consulting, Beau has been
focused on working with Accenture’s clients to help them
realize their strategic sales behaviours, sales
performance needs, and sales effectiveness goals to
become high performing businesses. He has assisted many
leading companies across North America, Europe, and Asia
in developing business transformation solutions. In
addition, Beau is involved in developing CRM thought
leadership, asset development, and solution enablement
strategies for Accenture. |
Mr. Xu Jian,
Relationship in New Internet Ecology
一直以來,徐建力推創新為先的理念,北青網鎖定企事業單位管理人員、外企白領、中高級技術人員等有高學歷、高收入、高中心城市的三高群體,先後打造出了青年論壇、紅人上網、線上樓書、觀點PK、清零等一系列品牌頻道與欄目,在業內贏得較高聲譽。他還開創性地提出了跨媒體整合行銷的靈活經營模式,要求對內有執行力,對外有話語權。使得傳媒門戶的獨特定位給北青網用戶及廣告投放商提供權威、創新、多贏的全新增值體驗。北青網又相繼獲得“2006年度十大創新網站”、2007年度“影響中國互聯網的100強網站”、“2008\2009年度十大報社網站”等殊榮。 |
Ms. LEE Yuen Ming,
Meg, General Manager
SINA Hong Kong Ltd
Topic: SINA
Weibo – Revolutionary Channel of Communications
Introduction of SINA Weibo – the most popular social
media platform in China
2. The Power of SINA Weibo
3. How to use SINA Weibo to leverage on your promotional
Meg Lee, General Manager
of SINA Hong Kong office, responsible for overall
operations in HK, including sales & marketing, content
management, weibo development and new business
Lee brings 15 years of
media experience. Prior to joining SINA, she worked for
Global Sources as Group Marketing Manager of the China
Business Group.
Prior to joining Global
Sources, Lee was the Head of Regional Content Management
and Community of Next Media Interactive Limited,
in-charge of all content management for both Hong Kong
and Taiwan market. |
Mr. FONG Po Kiu,
Francis, Founding Chairman
Hong Kong
Association of Interactive Marketing (HKAIM)
Customer 2.0 via Social
1. What's
the behavior of Customer 2.0
2. How to make use of social media to build up
relationship with customer
3. Case sharing
Mr. FONG Po Kiu,
Francis, aged 42, joined
Synergy Technologies
(Asia) Limited in 1994,
and is currently the
General Manager of the
He graduated from Hong
Kong Polytechnic (now
Hong Kong Polytechnic
University) and is now
the Fellowship Member of
The Institute of
Chartered Secretaries
and Administrators,
United Kingdom (FCIS)
and Fellowship Member of
The Hong Kong Institute
of Company Secretaries (FCS).
During his 20 years in
ICT Industry, he had
introduced a lot of
pioneering products and
technologies (like 56K
Modem, PDA, Wi-Fi,
Smartphone, Slingbox,
etc) into Hong Kong and
set the milestones for
the Company in Hong Kong
ICT Sector.
He is now the Member of
Electoral Conference for
the election of Hong
Kong Deputies to the
11th National People's
Congress of the People's
Republic of China; the
Member of HKSAR Election
Committee, Information
Technology Subsector
(2006-2010); the
Chairman of Electronics
& Communication Industry
Safety and Health
Committee, Occupational
Safety and Health
Council (OSHC); the
Co-opted Member of the
IT Expert Advisory Group
of The Consumer Council,
the Co-opted Member of
Standing Committee on
Agency Development &
Partnership , The Hong
Kong Council of Social
Services (HKCSS); Member
of the Shopping-Related
Practices of the Travel
Industry Council of Hong
Kong (TICHK), Member of
the E-logistics Project
Group, Hong Kong
Logistics Development
the Founding Member of
IT Voice and is also the
Strategic Member of The
Professional Commons.&
Community TV.
He is also the Founding
Chairman of Hong Kong
Association of
Interactive Marketing (HKAIM);
the President of Hong
Kong Information
Technology Federation (HKITF);
Vice-chairman of the
China Business Angel
Network (CBAN); Founder
of the e-Learning
Consortium; Founder of
The Hong Kong Resources
Center; the Founding
Member & Councilor of
Internet Society – Hong
Kong Chapter (ISOC-HK);
and also the Fellowship
Member of Hong Kong
Computer Society (FHKCS).
Mr. Zhao Xi,
CCMWorld Group
Latest Research on
Customer Management and Industry Development of Call
Center in Mainland China
Ms. Liao Dai Li,
Vice Chairlady and Chief Secretary
Shenzhen Contact
Center Association
Exploring the Refinement of Telemarketing Performance
Management: Case Study of China Telecom
Mr. Olivier Njamfa,
President & CEO
Eptica, UK
Taming the Beast – Is
Social Media Creating a Customer Relationship Monster?
Mr. Olivier
Njamfa, President and CEO of Eptica, co-founded
the company in 2001. Previously, he was
Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of
Com6, a leading European e-CRM software company.
From 1999 through to 2001, Mr. Njamfa managed
the International Indirect Operations of
Showcase, a leading software provider of
Business Intelligence and Datamining solutions.
From 1995 through to 1999, Mr. Njamfa was first
Director of the Finance and Banking Department
of Comshare (provider of Business Intelligence
and Analytical Application) and then moved on to
becoming the Managing Director of their French
subsidiary. Between 1987 and 1995, Mr. Njamfa
served as Sales Manager and then as Regional
Director of Saari, the French leader in
accounting software. Olivier Njamfa is a
graduate of ESC Rouen, and holds an MBA from the
ESCP in Paris, France.
Mr. Gregory Au
Yeung, Chief Information Officer, Partner
Realizing the great
potential financial IT Resources in Greater China
1. China’s
academic & labor market overview (finance & technology
2. What financial institutions are doing with resource
3. What & how foreign institutions can leverage in China
Gregory is currently Chief
Information Officer (CIO) of VantAsia (previously AIG
subsidiary), a foreign-owned financial institution that
specializes in consumer finance. He is responsible for
the firm’s IT Strategy, governance and the roadmap that
leverages business intelligence, proprietary technology
and IT specialists, with the mission to expand the
firm’s footprint in China.
Gregory is formerly
Executive Director of Morgan Stanley (Shanghai),
responsible for the firm’s 200 person mainland
Development Center, covering more than 50 products. The
center provides wide range of technology services
ranging from coding, testing and support. Prior to the
joining of Morgan Stanley, Mr. Gregory was the General
Manager of State Street Bank’s China technology center
(established and managed the bank’s only offshore
development center, grown from 20 persons to over 700),
Head of IT of State Street Bank (Asia). He started his
career as a programmer with Inchcape, a leading listed
British conglomerates.
Since 2009, Gregory has
been appointed as senior consultant and part-time
lecturer for Fudan and Shanghai Jiaotong Universities
respectively, responsible for the design, teaching, and
management of the newly created course, “Financial
Information System” for the Master of Software
Engineering degree. He is also the China columnist for
ComputerWorld (Hong Kong) and IT Value (China).
Gregory graduated with a
degree in Computer Science from the University of
Westminster (UK), and had completed the Executive MBA
program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is
also a Chartered Information Technology Professional; a
Fellow and China (East) Representative of the Hong Kong
Computer Society and member of the British Computer
Society. Since 2007, Gregory has been the Guest
Professor, Department Head of Financial Information
Technology, and MBA Student Mentor at Zhejiang
University. |
Mr. Ken Lee,
Managing Director
DHL Express Hong
Human Capital Management,
Motivation and Performance Management for the Post 80s
and 90s Young Generation
Mr. Jackal Ma, Managing
Aspect Software
Business, Service, Quality, and People Development
Excellence with Balanced Scorecard KM
Presentation Outline:
1. Future of
Company-Customer Collaboration
2. Enterprise Engagement
3. Customer Empowerment
4. Dynamic Analytics
5. Social Network and Call Center
Bank of Canada。
Mr. Raymond Choi,
Chief Customer Services Engineer
The Hongkong
Electric Co., Ltd
Public Service and Innovation Service Excellence
Presentation Outline:
1. Introduction of HK
Electric: the global presence
2. A public service company: roles and obligations to our
citizens, environment, community and employees
3. From “fundamental services to all customers” to
“caring/value-added/innovative services to different customer
4. A case study: iPhone App: HK Electric Low Carbon App
Raymond Choi is currently
holding the position as Chief Customer Services Engineer
heading the Customer Services Department in Hongkong
Electric. He is also a Chartered Engineer, a corporate
member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and a
corporate member of The Institution of Engineering and
Technology of the UK. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong
in 1981 with a B.Sc. (Eng.) and acquired his MBA(HKU) in
1990. After graduation in 1981, he joined Hongkong
Electric and worked in various positions responsible for
construction and operation of transmission and
distribution system and network. He has some 20 years
experience in developing various functions and programs
in relation to customer service.
Speaker of
CRE Awards Dinner Ceremony |
Mr. P. N. Ip, General Manager (T & D)
The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.
Mr Ip received his Bachelor of Science
degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Hong Kong
and Master’s degree in Business Administration from The Chinese
University of Hong Kong. Mr. Ip has a wide range of experiences in
the power supply industry. He has held various technical, customer
service and managerial positions and is currently General Manager
(Transmission and Distribution) of The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.
Mr. Ip is a past chairman of the Electrical Division of The Hong
Kong Institution of Engineers and is a Fellow of The Hong Kong
Institution of Engineers.